My mom has built quite the little life for herself.
These days he is living on a small horse farm that he runs all alone, and she’s sixty years old and still hustling every day.
She really likes this lifestyle and enjoys collecting creatures to take care of. In fact, he recently just went out and got some modern creatures to care for… mini horses. At first when he told me that he purchased these modern pets, I thought he was completely crazy. It sounded like a crucial waste of money… and then his HVAC system failed and I had to eat my words. Apparently, his forced air heater stopped working in the middle of the night and he was beside herself. She had no idea how he was going to afford an emergency service service, let alone a brand modern heating system if that old gas heater had unquestionably failed. She called out the nearest heating and cooling specialists, in desperation. When they arrived at the farm, he said the HVAC business was taken aback by his appealing little mini horses. The air quality control specialist had a strenuous time dragging himself away from their mini pasture to go work on the heating and cooling system. While he was in the basement working away with the heater, my mom was texting me with his financial worries. After an hour or two, however, he texted me back and said that everything had worked out just nice with his heater repair.In fact, after the HVAC business repaired the gas heater, he insisted that it was free… As long as he let him bring his kids over to take pictures with the mini horses.