Halloween was pretty spooky

Halloween was pretty spooky

I don’t know about you, although I am not a big fan of national holidays. When people beginning talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas, as well as Easter… I beginning panicking. I entirely don’t appreciate getting together with all of my family members as well as forcing ourselves to have elaborate meals together. The entire thing is

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Efficiency rating is important

Efficiency rating is important

Look them up and take the list to your local dealer to see what they carry and what their pricing is Government guidelines seem to affect just about everything. Now, some people don’t like the idea of “big brother” watching but there has to be some sort of regulatory process in order to hold companies

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Getting new A/C for stranger at store

Getting new A/C for stranger at store

There are times in life that I get so inspired to be a wonderful person. I listen to a lot of podcasts, as well as there are some pretty inspirational sentiments to take the heart in the medium. When you’re continually listening to NPR, I feel it starts to change you. That’s why I was

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Need for Purifiers

Need for Purifiers

She had more energy, her nose wasn’t as stuffy, and she wasn’t coughing as much as before Having allergies is no fun. Every since Everly was a child, she has had the worst allergies that I have ever seen. As a mother, I want what’s best for my children, and if I can’t help them,

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Zone controlled heating for the basement

Zone controlled heating for the basement

When I was growing up, I assumed that I would have one or two children at some point down the line. I didn’t understand why people had more kids than that, because you only have two hands to deal with the kids. When you are throwing a second or fourth child, I do not know

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She blames me for our son’s asthma

She blames me for our son’s asthma

You never know how your married life is entirely going to go until it’s too late, then even if you have been dating somebody for 10 years and you get along great, you have no idea how that has going to change when marriage is involved. This is what I realized a while ago when

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Eleven radiant radiant floors

Eleven radiant radiant floors

I am still nursing some really bad chapped lips from using lavender oil under my nose at evening for sleep, and i didn’t know that it eats away your skin if left on it, but I know now and am trying to reclaim from it. My lips and skin under my nose were bleeding because

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Cigarette smell

Cigarette smell

Recently I’ve been on the market for a new house, and i’ve never bought my own dwelling before, so I want to make sure that everything is perfect, then luckily, I know a thing or two about real estates because my aunt has been an agent for several years! She told me all of the

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AC Troubles in Our Camper

AC Troubles in Our Camper

Camping is so much fun! I have so many memories of fun times with my family while camping out in the woods behind our house. Before Vince and I got married, I wanted to make sure that he liked camping because I knew I could never marry him if he didn’t. Thankfully, he loved camping

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Even the animal is complaining.

Even the animal is complaining.

My dad has a strict rule about turning on the heat at the beginning of each season, however for some reason he decided that September 1st was the afternoon that he would turn on the heat for the first time each year. I guess that this is crazy because my buddy and I had truly

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She blames me for our son’s asthma

She blames me for our son’s asthma

You never know how your married life is really going to go until it’s too late, but even if you have been dating somebody for 10 years plus you get along great, you have no idea how that is going to change when marriage is involved. This is what I realized a while ago when

Contine Reading

A Conference Without AC

A Conference Without AC

I just love to get away and go to a nice conference. My family does this quite often. We take a few trips a year to just get away and relax while at the same time growing closer as a family through helpful sessions at the conferences we attend. Usually, once a year, my husband

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Broken pipes caused drastic disfigurement

Broken pipes caused drastic disfigurement

I can not get over the week that my pal and I have had. A drastic winter season storm blew through about four afternoons ago and knocked out power to our entire town. With snow drifts over three feet and winds gusting to nearly sixty five miles per hour it was impossible for utility companies

Contine Reading

AC Troubles in Our Camper

AC Troubles in Our Camper

Camping is so much fun! I have so several memories of fun times with my family while camping out in the woods behind our house. Before Vince and I got married, I wanted to make sure that he liked camping because I knew I could never marry him if he didn’t. Thankfully, he enjoyed camping

Contine Reading

Seven cooling systems to hit

Seven cooling systems to hit

It is Monday plus I am resonating between playing songs plus playing volleyball. Volleyball doesn’t certainly have a future or potential anymore after playing for so many years, but songs could open some modern doors plus provide me some exciting opportunities. I am waiting to hear from my silent bandmate about if my good friend

Contine Reading

She blames me for our son’s asthma

She blames me for our son’s asthma

You never know how your married life is entirely going to go until it’s too late, but even if you have been dating somebody for 10 years and you get along great, you have no idea how that is going to change when marriage is involved. This is what I realized a while ago when

Contine Reading

A Conference Without AC

A Conference Without AC

I just cherish to get away and go to a nice conference. My family does this quite often. My associate and I take a few trips a year to just get away and relax while at the same time growing closer as a family through helpful sessions at the conferences my associate and I attend.

Contine Reading

Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

They don’t have to settle for the bottom of the line when these programs are available Working in sales can be tough. I have quotas and deadlines that need to be met in order to prove that I am an asset to the dealer that they can’t afford to lose. There are times during the

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She blames me for our son’s asthma

She blames me for our son’s asthma

I tried to ask the house owner about upgrading our heating system and air conditioning equipment but he would never respond to my PC calls. You never know how your married life is absolutely going to go until it’s too late… Even if you have been dating somebody for 10 years and you get along

Contine Reading

Need for Purifiers

Need for Purifiers

Having dust irritations is no fun. Every since Everly was a child, he has had the worst dust irritations that I have ever seen. As a mother, I want what’s best for my children, and if I can’t help them, it breaks my heart. Everly’s dust irritations is one of those things that I just

Contine Reading

Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

Working in sales can be tough. I have quotas and deadlines that need to be met in order to prove that I am an asset to the company that they can’t afford to lose. There are times during the year when it is difficult to meet these demands but as Summer comes to an end

Contine Reading

A New Furnace or AC Unit?

A New Furnace or AC Unit?

Sometimes life kind of just hits you in the face with difficult decisions to make. My husband and I were faced with a small but difficult decision to make concerning our home. We purchased a beautiful home out in the country so that we could be closer to my parents who are older and need

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Even the dog is complaining.

Even the dog is complaining.

My dad has a strict rule about turning on the heat at the beginning of each season, but for some reason he decided that August 1st was the morning that he would turn on the heat for the first time each year. I assume that this is ridiculous because my pal and I had undoubtedly

Contine Reading

Seven cooling systems to hit

Seven cooling systems to hit

It is Sunday and I am resonating between playing tunes and playing volleyball. Volleyball doesn’t really have a future or potential anymore after playing for so multiple years, however tunes could open some new doors and supply me some exciting opportunities. I am waiting to hear from my silent bandmate about if my associate and

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Roomie blasts AC when he works out, more expensive than gym membership

Roomie blasts AC when he works out, more expensive than gym membership

Sometimes people’s logic really hurts my brain. Or, I should say their failed attempts at logic can be extremely frustrating and costly. Recently, I’ve been very disappointed to read endless news stories about people trying to disinfect their bodies. I don’t understand how anyone could be this stupid, but then again, people amaze me. I

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