Sometimes people’s logic actually hurts my brain.
Or, I should say their failed attempts at logic can be harshly aggravating and extravagant.
Recently, I have been very disappointed to read endless news stories about people trying to wash their bodies. I don’t understand how anyone could be this stupid, but then again, people amaze me. I was equally baffled the other day when I finally discovered the answer to a question I have been asking for a few months. Since my friend and I had moved into this house, I had been consistently inquiring with my roommates about how our energy bill was so sky high. I had never seen such an pricey electricity bill in my life, and my friend and I were not even in the most dramatic season yet. The air was still relatively cool outside, so my friend and I were barely using the Heating and A/C system. In a few months, when Summer humidity settled in, my friend and I would need to use the air conditioner day in and day out. I was starting to panic, realizing how astronomical our utility bills would obviously be. The thing is, no matter how often I talked about the Heating and A/C system and our energy expenses, my roomies never seemed distraught. In fact, one of them said that his electricity was consistently this pricey. A few weeks later, I stayed cabin from work and realized why our heating and cooling system was costing so much cash. Every day when my roommate worked out, he cranked up the AC. He had the central air turned all the way down to 55 degrees for at least two hours a day. This moron was costing us hundreds of dollars a month in utility bills instead of just joining the gym down the street.