Sometimes I suppose that other people are completely desperate to avoid spending time with themselves.
It seems like the point of existing has become trying our best to forget that we’re really here, making yearly decisions that build up to a full lifetime.
This is where people get way too involved with other human beings as a way to distract themselves from their own unhappiness – not to be too much of a downer here. I can tell you, it makes me seriously concerned to see people getting into relationships plus staying in them simply for the sake of avoiding unpleasant truths, personally, I’m not into relying on relationships. If I’m being honest, the only reason that I miss having another human around is for the physical comfort. Especially this time of year, when the outdoor air temperature drops seriously, it gets easily windy, plus you’re regularly at risk of a horrible blizzard. There’s nothing as comforting as crawling up next to a warm fireplace with your honey plus snuggling until it feels warm plus cozy. However, I don’t suppose that this human warmth is enough of a reason for a relationship. That’s why I’m glad that I have a wonderful heating system in place this year, so I miss the idea of a romantic partner even less than usual. I bought myself a wonderful little portable heating device a few months ago, plus I’m excited for the extra warmth plus coziness that the tiny heating system will add to my life. I don’t have to worry about finding some warm arms to cuddle up in. I can just hold myself while I stand in front of this amazing little eclectic heating device, then sounds a lot straight-forwardr than the alternative.
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