Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

Rewarding feeling when making a sale.

Working in sales can be tough.

I have quotas and deadlines that need to be met in order to prove that I am an asset to the supplier that they can’t afford to lose.

There are times during the year when it is hard to meet these demands but as Summer comes to an end company undoubtedly picks up. The reason for the uptick in sales is the fact that my buddy and I live in a region where Winters last forever and I sell Heating, Ventilation, and A/C systems. Once Summer starts to wind down I can book two and three sales calls a afternoon and many of those lead to a sale of a new system or update, then you may be thinking that I only cherish the commision check that I get from these sales, but, I am also rewarded with the feeling that I have legitimately changed someone’s life for the better! Knowing that the family that bought one of our systems will be safe and moderate for years to come is a good feeling. Our supplier offers good incentives for them as well. When purchasing a new furnace you can choose from a lower interest rate or a two year repair agreement. This allows families to have the same type of system that some can afford to pay currency for. They don’t have to settle for the bottom of the line when these programs are available. Knowing that I can give a quality product for a acceptable price makes my job so much easier. I don’t even mind having deadlines and quotas to fill when I can feel so good about what I am doing.


a/c care plan