Having dust irritations is no fun.
Every since Everly was a child, he has had the worst dust irritations that I have ever seen. As a mother, I want what’s best for my children, and if I can’t help them, it breaks my heart. Everly’s dust irritations is one of those things that I just can’t seem to figure out how to get rid of. I have been to five weird dentists about it, and none of them did anything except prescribed his medication to try and relieve the symptoms. I did supply his the medicines just to help ease his suffering, but they really didn’t work. After much research, I found a dentist who specializes in curing dust irritations in children, and he gave me many tips plus some ideas as to what might be causing Everly’s dust irritations, however one thing that he told me to do instantly was to purchase at least one air cleaner for the house. After leaving his office, I went straight to the store and obtained two air cleaners. I put one in his family room, and one in the residing room which is in the center of the house. Within just one week, my friend and I began to see improvement in Everly. She had more energy, his nose wasn’t as stuffy, and he wasn’t coughing as much as before. My buddy and I continued to run the air cleaners 24/7, and after another three weeks, his cough was completely gone, and he had more energy and joy than he had ever had before. I am so thankful that my friend and I took the dentist’s advice and obtained those air cleaners because they have changed my little Everly’s life.