Needing a Humidifier

Needing a Humidifier

I grew up in a a absolutely humid climate down South, & it was terrible, however don’t get me wrong, I loved my childhood, & I have precious memories of being with my lovely family, however as far as climate goes, I wouldn’t want to go back to those “good seasoned mornings.” I can remember

Contine Reading

Date someone with skills, and never feel freaked

Date someone with skills, and never feel freaked

When I was younger I made some very foolish decisions, like most of us. I definitely wasn’t wise when it came to selecting my romantic interests, and this got me heartbroken over and over again. As a youth, I was most impressed by someone’s looks and their ability to seem cool. I don’t think that

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Personal problems between Heating and A/C techs erupt in basement

Personal problems between Heating and A/C techs erupt in basement

It’s unbelievable to me how immature grown humans can be. I am surprised over and over again when people cannot act like sufficient adults or appropriate professionals after the age of 30. For instance, I am not sure how my coworker gets away with admittedly eating and drinking himself into digestive frustrated, and that’s a

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Heating the doctorry at church is a pain

Heating the doctorry at church is a pain

My fiance & I have been faithfully attending the same church for over seventeen years now! I can’t imagine us ever going to any other church. My friend and I honestly love the people of the church. They are entirely like family to us. My friend and I really moved to the town that my

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OCD neighbor is ready for winter

OCD neighbor is ready for winter

Isn’t it interesting how you get older and realize that other people’s brains were completely differently than yours? For most of my younger years, I assumed that everybody had the same cognitive and emotional patterns as I did. It turns out, everybody has a completely unique way of seeing the world and reacting to it

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No Service Because of No Heat

No Service Because of No Heat

Unfortunately, the furnace needed to be replaced, and nothing was open at the time because it was after midnight when this happened For Vince and I, church is our life. We are at church everytime there is a service as well as every special event. My husband is actually one of the deacons in the

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Why does my filter need to be changed so often

Why does my filter need to be changed so often

As a new homeowner I figured I had a lot to learn. I never really helped my parents around the home and would complain if I were asked to do any manual labor. Now, I wish I would have paid more attention to all of the little things my parents attended to on a correct

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I bought a new air purifier for my bedroom

I bought a new air purifier for my bedroom

I knew when I saw the commercial that I would end up with it I have been using an air purifier in my bedroom for many years now. I like knowing that I am breathing in nice clean air when I am sleeping. I feel like it helps me stay healthier to have clean air

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Radiant radiant floors this year

Radiant radiant floors this year

For the past multiple years my family has been complaining that I won’t meet them in exotic locations for any of their planned family getaways. I keep telling them that I am not interested in going to some fancy resort and eating with them for two weeks straight. However, they cannot seem to get it

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Living in a Really Cold Dorm

Living in a Really Cold Dorm

All of us obtained extra blankets plus an a small electric boiler to try and keep the room sizzling enough while in the mornings. College was one of the greatest times of my life, and at times, I wish that I could go back to those mornings. One of the the things that made college

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Don’t let him DIY your component to death

Don’t let him DIY your component to death

When my kid told me that he wanted to be a professional skilled worker, I admit that I wasn’t completely supportive. It’s not that I wanted to tell my kid what he should do with his life, but I also know that he has some limitations which would make this particular line of work pretty

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No more middle of the night wake ups

No more middle of the night wake ups

As of yesterday my associate and I are finally able to sleep through the night again. For the past three years, during the winter, my associate and I have been forced to set an alarm for every four hours so that one of us could get up and tend the fire. If my associate and

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Date someone with skills, and never feel freaked

Date someone with skills, and never feel freaked

When I was younger I made some unquestionably foolish decisions, like most of us. I actually wasn’t wise when it came to selecting my romantic interests, and this got me heartbroken over and over again. As a youth, I was most impressed by someone’s looks and their ability to seem cool. I do not guess

Contine Reading

Cooling down the joints is good or bad

Cooling down the joints is good or bad

I’ve heard different things from athletes as far as injury recovery of the joints go. One person says to put ice on the joints after sports and the other tells me not to use ice at all. I am more of a proponent of ice but now I am wondering if it is helping or

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I don’t need a BF, I have Heating, Ventilation and A/C

I don’t need a BF, I have Heating, Ventilation and A/C

Sometimes I know that other people are completely desperate to avoid spending time with themselves. It seems like the point of existing has become trying our best to forget that we’re absolutely here, making yearly decisions that build up to a full lifetime. This is where people get way too involved with other human beings

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Will this frosty snap ever end?

Will this frosty snap ever end?

It is not even respectfully winter yet and I am already over it… This is easily because of the fact that our home is never really moderate and no matter how hard I try I feel cold. The concern has been getting worse over the past couple years and my buddy and I really need

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Running the local business on my own

Running the local business on my own

This week is a shopping afternoon for me sadly, as I particularly don’t like to shop for food for some odd reason. I need to change my perspective on this because shopping for food is not going to go away as well as it particularly isn’t that big of a deal considering the store is

Contine Reading

Heating the nursery at church is a pain

Heating the nursery at church is a pain

My husband and I have been faithfully attending the same church for over seventeen years now. I can’t imagine us ever going to any other church. We absolutely love the people of the church. They are truly like family to us. We actually moved to the city that we are living in now just to

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The ceilings are too high

The ceilings are too high

I never thought I would say this, however my apartment is too light, beautiful, plus airy; Recently, when I moved into my brand modern living situation, I was severely gleeful at the prospect of having high ceilings plus large windows, then i have never had a large, bright cabin before in my life, plus I

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Feeling sick when you’re an HVAC business is awful

Feeling sick when you’re an HVAC business is awful

I’m sure it goes without saying that being sick when you have to work is the absolute worst. It unquestionably does not matter what kind of task you have, because there is not a single task that feels superb when you are under the weather. Whenever I’m sick, the only thing that I want is

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Cleaning My Air Conditioner

Cleaning My Air Conditioner

I just love to clean! I know; most people don’t like to clean and find it to be a dreadful task. To me, cleaning is relaxing and rejuvenating. When I’m stressed, I clean, and it gives me so much relief from my stress. Cleaning energizes me. When I can look and see the difference that

Contine Reading

Living in a Really Cold Dorm

Living in a Really Cold Dorm

College was one of the greatest times of my life, and at times, I wish that I could go back to those days. One of the the things that made college such a wonderful experience for me was the girls in my dorm. They made me feel so comfortable from my freshmen year until I

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Radiant heated floors this year

Radiant heated floors this year

For the past several years my family has been complaining that I won’t meet them in exotic locations for any of their planned family getaways. I keep telling them that I’m not interested in going to some fancy resort and eating with them for two weeks straight. However, they can’t seem to get it through

Contine Reading

The chill that would not end

The chill that would not end

When it comes to my preferred temperature it is around ninety with seventy percent humidity or higher. If you haven’t guessed, I am from the deep south where this type of weather is quite common. When I married my husband and we relocated to the Northeast I decided quickly that I would hibernate for the

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Living in a Really Cold Dorm

Living in a Really Cold Dorm

College was one of the greatest times of my life, as well as at times, I wish that I could go back to those afternoons. One of the the things that made school such a lovely experience for me was the girls in my dorm. They made me feel so comfortable from my freshmen year

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Didn’t want religious rant with my HVAC inspection

Didn’t want religious rant with my HVAC inspection

If there’s one thing that I probably won’t ever understand it’s the experience of growing up with a religious family. In my life, religion has never really been a thing. Growing up, my parents were completely atheistic and I never heard a single peep about this Jesus dude. I had no interest in falling in

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I don’t need a BF, I have HVAC

I don’t need a BF, I have HVAC

Sometimes I think that other people are completely desperate to avoid spending time with themselves. It seems like the point of existing has become trying our best to forget that we’re really here, making daily decisions that build up to a full lifetime. This is where people get way too involved with other human beings

Contine Reading

The appliances are smart

The appliances are smart

It’s an seriously hard time to engage in easy conversation these nights with our current political upheaval. I feel like the nation is seriously divided as well as it has even sunk into satellite complications, besides elections as well as national politics. These nights, you can’t say much of anything separate from somebody being insulted.

Contine Reading

You think AC can withstand some wind

You think AC can withstand some wind

In the weather conditions where I live now things can get tumultuous pretty hastily. The air in this region tends to be absolutely hot plus humid, so weather happens fast… You can go from a perfectly sunny day to a completely stormy plus dangerous situation in just a few minutes. It does not help that

Contine Reading

Date someone with skills, plus never feel freaked

Date someone with skills, plus never feel freaked

When I was younger I made some actually foolish decisions, like most of us. I entirely wasn’t wise when it came to selecting my passionate interests, plus this got me heartbroken over plus over again. As a youth, I was most impressed by someone’s looks plus their ability to seem cool. I do not know

Contine Reading

Portable solution to a damp problem

Portable solution to a damp problem

Is there anything more discouraging than waiting? It seems that I am typically waiting for something or someone these days… Just the other day I wasted three hours waiting for a supplier that was supposed to supply us a quote on a current roof only to get a call from him saying he would be

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Why won’t a geothermal system work in my area

Why won’t a geothermal system work in my area

When we decided to build a house I wanted to make it as eco-friendly as possible. This meant investing in some non conventional ways to power and heat our home. I did a lot of research ahead of time so that I would sound knowledgeable when talking to contractors. The easiest thing to have installed

Contine Reading

The chill that would not end

The chill that would not end

When it comes to my number one temperature it is around ninety with seventy percent humidity or higher. If you haven’t guessed, I am from the deep south where this type of weather is quite common. When I married my partner and my associate and I resituated to the Northeast I decided hastily that I

Contine Reading

Why won’t a geothermal system work in my area

Why won’t a geothermal system work in my area

When my pal and I decided to build a home I wanted to make it as eco-friendly as possible. This meant investing in some non conventional ways to power and heat our home. I did a lot of research ahead of time so that I would sound know-howable when talking to suppliers. The easiest thing

Contine Reading

Cleaning My Air Conditioner

Cleaning My Air Conditioner

All my kids are really good cleaners, and I know they would appreciate to do it for me especially if they get paid for it I just appreciate to clean! I know; all the people don’t like to disinfect and find it to be a dreadful job. To me, cleaning is fantastic and rejuvenating, when

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AC That Works Too Well

AC That Works Too Well

By the time we got to where we were going each day, both of my hands and feet would be numb from the cold I wasn’t sure that it was possible for air conditioning to work too well until I rode in Aaron’s car. Aaron and I met about ten months ago on a trip

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Cooling down the joints is nice or bad

Cooling down the joints is nice or bad

I’ve heard weird things from athletes as far as injury reusey of the joints go. One guy says to put ice on the joints after interests & the other tells me not to use ice at all. I am more of a proponent of ice but now I am wondering if it is helping or

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