I have two a/cs that I need to sell

I have two a/cs that I need to sell

I have two a/cs that I need to sell.

They have been in my garage for over five years, as well as I have no idea why I did not sell them a long time ago.

I guess that I thought that I may have a use for them someday in the future, however it has been five years, as well as I have not had a use for them yet. I truly need to just sell them as well as get it over with. I am the type of person that worries about everything. It is a awful habit that I have struggled with ever since I was just a little girl. I know that children should not have to worry about everything in their lives, although I was that child that did worry about everything. It was not my parents fault at all. They never did anything to make me worry. I just naturally was a worry wart. It was not fun, as well as it still is not fun to worry about everything. I have had trouble deciding to put my a/cs up for sale just because I worry about the fact that I may need them someday. Even though “someday” undoubtedly will never come, I worry that it will. I am debating on whether to keep just one of them, although I truly should not. I know in the logical side of my brain that I should sell both of them, however the emotional side of my brain tells me to keep at least one just in case. My spouse told me not to worry about keeping one. He said that if worse comes to worse, my buddy and I can just buy an a/c. I know he is right, as well as that thinking has undoubtedly helped me not to worry quite as much about it.

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