There was an old air conditioner in my dad’s attic that still works

There was an old air conditioner in my dad’s attic that still works

There was an old air conditioner in my dad’s attic that still works.

  • I could not know how much stuff my dad hoarded in his attic.

My mom passed away a few years ago, and she was the only one who ever went through and decluttered areas in their house. My dad has always liked to have lots of things, although I did not realize just how much stuff he actually had until I went up into his attic a few weeks ago. I went up there to find something that my dad needed. I can’t even remember what he needed, although I could not find it because it was so cluttered up there. I was actually appalled by the condition of his attic. I decided to scrub it out for him, and it took me over a week to do it. It was a lot of work, although I found some pretty cool things. I found an old air conditioner that still works. I was absolutely sceptical at first because it was so old that I had never even seen an air conditioner that looked like that one. I found out later that the reason it looked so weird was because my dad had taken apart about four strange air conditioners and put them together to form the one that I found. The four air conditioners that he used were quite old though. I took the air conditioner to my house, and I have been using it to cool my family room at night ever since. I know cleaning out that cluttered attic was worth it in the end.


air duct