Best Christmas Present

Best Christmas Present

Each year I spend countless hours pouring over online sites and looking for the perfect gift for each person on my list.

I am not a fan of crowds so I tend to have things shipped to me instead of venturing out. I am also not a fan of serious frigid weather so this is another reason it is perfect for me. While talking to our child about her wish list I noticed that her voice seemed a bit strained. When I asked her about it, she said that she was having trouble sleeping and that she felt frigid all the time. She said that it wasn’t anything medical, it was the fact that her study room was typically freezing cold. She had tried putting extra blankets on the bed however the air she was breathing in was so frigid that it kept her awake. I asked if there was a complication with the furnace and she said that it had already been checked as well. This got me thinking about what to buy her for Christmas. She didn’t easily “need” any of the items on her list so I called up the Heating and A/C dealer in neighborhood to see if I could arrange a meeting. I headed to my daughter’s home while she was at work and met with a worker. They did an energy assessment on her apartment and found various areas where drafts were getting in and heat was escaping. I decided right there that my gift to her would be having the complication fixed so that she would not only sleep better however save money throughout the year on monthly bills too. I still didn’t have to deal with crowds and although I couldn’t just order her gift online it was still the perfect Christmas gift for her and one that she would appreciate for years to come.


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